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Meet Our Team

Stewart Kettle headshot

Stewart Kettle

Stewart has over a decade of experience managing behavioural science and innovation projects. He was previously Nesta's Director of Behavioural Science and before that was Co-Head of International Programmes at The Behavioural Insights Team. He has a PhD in Economics from the University of Bristol.

Patricia Lucas headshot

Patricia Lucas

Patricia provides expertise for the team across research methods. She uses quantitative, qualitative, and human-centred approaches to gain deep insight and lead impactful research. With a PhD in Psychology and a rich background in health and care research at the University of Bristol, Nesta and as an independent consultant, she has close to 100 publications to her name.

Daniel Gardiner headshot

Daniel Gardiner

Dan is a full-stack software developer with experience delivering large scale applications at Six and Nudge Digital. Prior to that he was a Senior Epidemiological Scientist at Public Health England. Dan co-founded Colectiv with Stewart and Patricia as a commitment to using his skills and new technology to maximise social impact.

Paul Calcraft headshot

Paul Calcraft

Paul has a unique skill set for our team, bridging the intersection of software engineering, AI chatbot technology, and behavioural science. After completing his PhD in Computer Science, he led the machine learning and technology team at the Behavioural Insights Team for over six years, delivering dozens of tech innovation projects.

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