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An Iteration Revolution

Our approach is to gather insights from people, and to make them useful. By using digital technology and AI, we revolutionise the speed and scale at which this happens.


Our tools provide the data and analysis needed to drive the innovation cycle.

Continuous improvement is the aim of monitoring and evaluation, and key to effective programme and service design. But often the information needed by managers and decision makers is missing, low quality, or too slow to be useful.

Our investigate, design, test cycle is powered by behavioural science and human centred design methods.


We focus on the building blocks that allow iteration to happen rapidly, with people, and at scale. We:

1. Gather Insights: Using digital technology we can gather high quality information from large numbers of people quickly, through AI-interviews, audio-notes, and interview and free-text data that has already been collected.

2. Make them useful: We use an AI-assisted process to increase the speed and scale of qualitative analysis, and our dashboard allows managers to search through the crowdsourced insights to investigate, design, test, and achieve impact.

© 2024 Colectiv. All rights reserved

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